Tuesday, February 16, 2010

How Does Ur Cervix Feel Right Before Period Lotion Like CM- Did Anyone Else Have This & Found Out They Were Pregnant?

Lotion like CM- did anyone else have this & found out they were pregnant? - how does ur cervix feel right before period

I have my period it was 1.19 in Normal, Heavy, cramps. Not sure if the date, but in hindsight, I asked a question on the answers 2 weeks ago, BC felt that I had a leak, and many women from ovulating. I understand she is 14 15 days after the first day of the UR period until ovulation, but I know it's true for all, as I spoke w / a woman who became pregnant the day after the season.
If you ovulate around that time I posted this question, then his status 2 weeks that I have ovulation. I like cm, with a lotion, when I turn my collar to go the finger. It is not bulky or just a feeling, lotion, or wet, and white flour. No or. Is this a sign that she might be pregnant? My time is not expected to be at 2.19.
If someoned lotion like CM please can you share what it was?
I also know that the lotion like CM can get before your time. But in general, I'm wet before my time.
Thanks to all Sorry its so long!


Mom of three girls new baby boy said...

HPT may be pregnant would be a home coming weeks and 5 days in advance

Good luck

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